UPRN and accessibility
Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN)

What are UPRNs and how can they be applied to accessibility to help unpick the UK's accessible housing crisis?

Finding Wheelchair Accessible Properties via Estate Agents and Property Portals Rightmove Zoopla OnTheMarket AccessiblePRS
Finding Wheelchair Accessible Properties via Estate Agents and Property Portals

Changes are happening to level the property search processes for older and disabled people with accessible housing needs. Find out more and what these changes means for you.

Knight Frank AccessiblePRS Partnership
Knight Frank and AccessiblePRS Partnership

Knight Frank has lead inclusion within the Private Rented Sector, by updating their internal processes, and the information in their property listings, to level the search processes for people with accessible housing needs.

Habinteg Living Not Existing Report AccessiblePRS
Habinteg Report: Living Not Existing

Habinteg have launched their latest report titled "Living not existing: The economic and social value of wheelchair user homes."

MOJ Ministry of Justice New free legal advice for people facing eviction or repossession Logo AccessiblePRS.jpg
Housing Loss Prevention Advice Service HLPAS

A new Government-backed scheme providing free legal advice to help 38,000 people a year at risk of losing their home launches (1-Aug-23)

How to Rent banner
How To Rent Guide

If you are a landlord or tenant, make sure you are informed on this important document and the legal requirements and its consequences.

Washpod Dignity Access Ltd Temporary Washing Toileting Solutions
Return Dignity with WashPod Temporary Accessible Wet Rooms

When daily life, post-trauma or illness, reduces people to living without use of a bathroom, how can we return the dignity of washing and toileting, while working out the long-term solutions?

APRS Newsletter 18 Jan 2023
APRS Newsletter 14 Dec 2022
OnTheMarket logo AccessiblePRS
OnTheMarket Accessibility & Inclusion Updates in 2022

OnTheMarket have recently launched their first phase of access and inclusion updates. Their updates are a clever use of technology as a stepping stone towards increasing focus within the industry.

AccessiblePRS Response: DLUHC Accessible Homes Consultation Response

Disappointment & frustration at the Government's whitewashing of their Accessible Homes Consultation: exclusion of wheelchair users in housing policy.

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Disability Housing Legal Advice
Bisnow Build To Rent Annual Conference Guy Harris AccessiblePRS
Why Build-to-Rent is perfect to scale accessible housing.

Wheelchair accessibility and inclusion sit perfectly within the nascent Build-to-Rent sector, though it’s a concept that provokes degrees of personal and corporate discomfort.

The Rightmove to clearer online accessibility information
The Rightmove to clearer online accessibility information

Rightmove's first steps towards a new standard for clearer, online, information provision on accessibility features in the private rented sector.

AccessiblePRS 3am Test for Inclusive Letting Agents Accessible Property Listings
The 3am Test for Inclusive Property Listings

The AccessiblePRS "3am Test" describes how sales and letting agents can provide enough of the right kind of information in property listings for disabled renters.

Opinion on the Government National Disability Strategy
Opinion: The Government's National Disability Strategy.

Opinion: we look at the Government's National Disability Strategy and explain how their section on Housing offers nothing new or meaningful.